Wednesday October 9, 2024

Indoor Air Day

09h00 Welcome participant’s registration

Identification of Sources and their Contribution to Air Pollution

National housing campaign 2 - Main results
Olivier Ramalho, Multi-exposure project manager / Indoor air quality - Scientific and Technical Building Center (CSTB)


Presentation of the Exp’Air project: Assessment of phtalates in the air of 3 daycare centers in the City of Lyon
• Claire-Sophie Coeudevez, Operational Director - Medieco
• Florence Pradier, Head of the Environmental Health department - City of Lyon


Characterization of indoor air quality in various sports facilities (QAI-Sport project)
Nathalie Costarramone, Research Engineer - IMT Mines Alès

Coffee Break


Development and validation of analytical systems for continuous monitoring of formaldehyde and comparison to the reference method
Jean-Philippe Amiet, Sales and Customer Service Director - Chromatotec


Why do floor-cleaners with no formaldehyde in their compositions are indoor sources of formaldehyde?
Frédéric Thévenet, Teacher Researcher - IMT Nord Europe


Analysis of the effectiveness of air purifiers in real conditions of use
Étienne de Vanssay, President FIMEA - Director of Cap Environnement


Round table
The new regulations on the monitoring of indoor air quality in certain establishments open to the public (nursery, schools, middle schools, high schools) and future regulations for health and medico-social establishments

Moderator: Dr. Fabien Squinazi, President of the Specialist Commission "Environmental Risks" - High Council for Public Health (France)

Participants (Provisional list):
• Claire-Sophie Coeudevez, Associate Director - Medieco
• Nathalie Costarramone, Research Engineer - IMT Alès
• Laurence Robert, Studies Manager - INRS
• Driss Samri, Health Comfort Director - CSTB


Exposures and Impacts

IAQ and occupational exposure in logistic: retail and warehouse sectors
Laurence Robert, Study Manager - INRS

Continuous measurement of fine particles: a priority for the health, well-being of employees and the optimization of ventilation systems
Fabien Pedretti, Sales Specialist for Air Quality Product Line - Acoem

Measurements and health risk assessments of volatile PFAS in indoor ambient air (FTOH: Fluortelomere alcohols, etc.). Progress concerning work relating to nurseries and schools in the Rhône-Alpes Region / France: Choice and application of TRV (Toxicological Reference Values), space-time budgets, respiration rates… for volatile PFAS & COHV, etc
Frank Karg, Scientific Director of the HPC Group & CEO of HPC International SAS, Judicial expert

Updates on the legal framework concerning PFAS substances in the air: areas for development
Laurence Lanoy, Associate Lawyer, Specialist in environmental law - Laurence Lanoy Avocats

15h20 Coffee Break

Technological Solutions

Air purification in aircraft cabins: Bleedair
Pascal Alix, R&D Engineer / Project Manager - IFP Energies Nouvelles

Tool for sizing soil depressurization systems to protect indoor air quality against intrusions of volatile pollutants from soils
Juliette Chastanet, R&D Project Manager - Ginger-Burgeap

Development of a system to filter particles in a semi-confined environment
Florence Richard, Research engineer - IFP Energies Nouvelles

16h50 Conclusions of the day

17h00 End of day one

Thursday October 10, 2024

Ambient Air Day

09h00 Welcoming participants

Political, societal, governance and regulatory solutions

Normative overview and case law: Exposures and Impacts
Corentin Chevallier, Lawyer - UGGC Avocats

What operational solutions to reduce emissions of atmospheric pollutants in a context of lowering the limit values for concentrations in the air?
Françoise Rousseille, Project Director, Air-Health-Odors and Treatment - EGIS

Essential elements of air monitoring around ICPE (French designation : Facilities Classified for environmental Protection) for relevant interpretation
Virginie Migne, Environmental engineer - INERIS

10h20 Coffee Break

Exposures and Impacts

Numerical simulations and sensitivity analyzes for air quality in urban areas
Stéphane Jay, Project Manager - IFP Energies Nouvelles

Environmental impact assessment of PFAS in ambient air
Pierre-Yves Guernion, Managing consultant, Air Quality - Ramboll

Impact of the blasting of an air-cooling tower and a chimney of a thermal power station
Julien Rodriguez, Design Engineer - Tauw France

Feedback from the development of an OTM50 analytical method for the quantification of volatile fluorinated compounds (PFAS) using canister sampling
Mario Nerva, Director of Environmental Laboratories - Mérieux NutriSciences, Chelab (Italy)

Round table
The revision of the European directive on ambient air quality, with the issues surrounding the new regulatory thresholds for nitrogen dioxide and fine particles
Moderator: Dr. Fabien Squinazi, President of the Specialist Commission "Environmental Risks" - High Council for Public Health (France)

Participants (Provisional list):
• Clotilde Pionneau, Air Quality Office - Climate Energy Efficiency and Air Department - Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion
• Marine Latham, Director - Atmo Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
• Eric Fournier, Regional Advisor Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region - Delegated Special Advisor in charge of air, climate and energy - President of Atmo Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - President of the Community of Communes of the Chamonix-Mont-Blanc Valley - Mayor of Chamonix
• Tony Renucci, General Director - Association Respire

13h00 Lunch

Identification of Sources and their Contribution to Air Pollution

OLGA hOlistic & Green Airports: Identifying sources of VOC and aerosol emissions at the Roissy-CDG airport
Joris Leglise, Scientific Expert - Addair

Aerosols project – Air quality and health impact of primary semivolatile and secondary particles, and their abatement
Mickaël Leblanc, Research & Innovation Manager - IFP Energies Nouvelles

State of the art of regional ammonia modeling and development of the agrivision’air web tool
Nicolas Moreau, Modeling engineer - Air Breizh

MAVERIC (Miniaturized Autonomous and VERsatIle gas Chromatograph): Development of a GC gas chromatograph based on an innovative NGD detector (Nano-Gravimetric-Detector)
Malak Bigourd, Research engineer - LATMOS-CNRS

Blind prediction of odor concentration in deodorization processes of a wastewater treatment plant using electronic nose and dynamic olfactometry
Christelle Michel, Pre-Sales Lead Engineer - Ellona

16h00 Coffee Break

Technological Solutions

The combined integrated combustion technology for the simultaneouse reduction of NOx and combustible gaseous compounds in biomass boilers
Mohammad Aleysa, Head manager & Souha Meriee, Scientific assistant - Department Combustion and Environmental Technology, Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics (IBP) in Stuttgart (Germany)

Urban experimentation: understanding the issues of air quality and mobility flows during urban development
Benjamin Evain, Business Development Sales and Marketing director & Ludovic Piovesan, Sales Development manager - Ecomesure

Impact of agricultural spreading of biomethanization digestates and WWTP on atmospheric N2O emissions and recovery solution
Pascal Jacques, Technical director - John Cockerill Europe Environnement


New air quality data insights using ceilometers
Markus Vuolahti, Market Manager at the Energy, Urban and Industry department - Vaisala (Finland)

17h40 Conclusions of the day

18h00 End of day two / End of the congress